Five Points Technology Group (Five Points) incorporated in 1999, has over 15 years of experience in project management, requirements analysis, system design, system development, architecture planning, system implementation, training, application maintenance, and business process re-engineering. We have developed a niche understanding in the health and human services (HHS) market and defined three segments to our organization:
Since our inception, Five Points has been providing foster care and other children’s services solutions to government agencies in Florida and across the nation. We currently operate software systems we have customized and developed in 11 states with approximately 45 agencies and 5,500 case workers using these systems on a daily basis. We provide additional information about the company and our mission and services offered at our website:
Five Points designed and developed My JumpVault to serve the needs of multiple users in the foster care arena; we then implemented the product in 2012 for Big Bend Community Based Care of Florida (Big Bend). (See Case Studies.) Upon reviewing statistics from Florida’s My Services Survey data and a recent OPPAGA report, it was clear there was a need for foster youth to safely store personal records. We developed My JumpVault to help fill this gap. In November 2012, Five Points and Big Bend formed a focus group of youth transitioning out of care to help the Five Points team design the right system—one that would be easy to use, accessible across mobile and internet networks, and one that would facilitate the needs of the youth, case workers, supervisors, and administrative users who would benefit from the system.
We made sure the system was youth friendly and met the needs identified. We wanted it to be a tool that is accessible 24/7 from wherever the youth resides and across the platforms they are already using, including smartphones and tablets. And we wanted to offer clients a tool with the ability to securely collect and keep critical documents and records for quick access.